detected with the Einstein IPC and HRI were time-tagged to a precision
of 63 sec and 8
sec, respectively. Photons detected with
the ROSAT PSPC and HRI are time tagged to precision of 61
The xtiming
package contains tasks which make light curves and search for periodicity.
The input for most timing tasks is a time-sorted .qp file, which is made from a QPOE file by the task timsort. Region masking is usually applied to select only portions of the image, in which case, sorting will occur faster. Outputs of the other tasks are typically ST tables. A one line description of available tasks is given below and can be obtained by typing `help xtiming'.
Trial data sets can be found in the files xdata$snr.qp and
rp110590n00.qp, and examples using these are
given below. The file rp110590n00.qp is the ROSAT calibration image of the RS CVn star
AR Lac. Although not a periodic source, the spacecraft wobble causes
the image of the source to be periodically eclipsed by the detector
window-support mesh and there is a period of 100 sec in the
resultant signal.