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- rawx raw detector x position (i.e., before rotation and
aspect correction)(
dx for Rev0)
- rawy raw detector y position (i.e., before rotation and
aspect correction)(
dy for Rev0)
- detx detector x position after correction
- dety detector y position after correction
- pha pulse height analyzer channel. Accepted values 0-15
(Einstein IPC), 1-256 (ROSAT PSPC)
- pi pulse invariant bin (energy). Accepted values 0-15
(Einstein IPC), 1-256 (ROSAT PSPC) and 1-34 (ROSAT PSPC, SASS output).
- region a selected region of the image of various
forms. Used to select only a portion of the image, within which the
current operations should be applied.
- time photon arrival time in sec.
- from Jan. 0, 1978, for Einstein data
- Spacecraft clock time (can be converted to UT) from 21:06:50.2
June 1, 1990 for ROSAT data
- x - y pixel position in sky pixel (i.e., after aspect
correction). Values start from 1 in the lower left corner