After the best fit is obtained, the confidence limits on two
parameters can be obtained by running search_grid. This task calculates
a grid of values for a given input model.
The task will also calculate the absolute minimum [within the limits of
the grid or the limits from the input model spectrum, whichever is larger],
and use it to draw the contours (
In the simplest case the user can hit <cr> at the first few
prompts. Then search_grid
will select the last dataset used
(from pkgpars), will use the best fit from the last run of fit (the null string ``'' at the model prompt
will always select the best fit from the file), and
will place
the results in a file with the same root as the observed file.
A grid will be built around those values, incrementing
out to delta (provided by the user)
in nx steps in the x dimension and ny steps in the y dimension
(nx and ny provided by the user). search_grid
will return
on the grid points, and a true minimum
(which will coincide with the central grid
point in this simple case).
input files:;
output file:
xs> search_grid Performing a grid search. observed spectrum [] = (rp90): <cr> # input data from model descriptor [null --> last best fit]: <cr> # The best fit # parameters are from root name for output file []: rp90_a # output is Root changed # because you will probably want to repeat this with different parameters
The best-fit model parameters (from previous fit) will be listed on the screen.
Please choose the grid axes: model component number for the first axis (1): <cr> first axis parameter (norm|index|temp|galacticNh|intrinsicNh): temp half range of first axis parameter: 0.5 number of steps in the first axis (1:): 10 model component number for the second axis (1): 2 second axis parameter (norm|index|temp|galacticNh|intrinsicNh): temp half range of second axis parameter: 0.5 number of steps in the second axis (1:): 10
The best-fit parameters from this current grid of fits will be listed on the screen.
The output file is in table format, and can be listed with the tables.ttools task tprint.